Why’d You Wait?

"Why'd You Wait?" Photo by Rick Stachura. November 2, 2022.



why’d you wait so long

before you first came over?

September was a backpack 

you pulled across your shoulder

with the sunlight that turned to frost

and the train tracks we used to cross

with the people who sat across

when the wild eye inside you shuddered

your guilty smile feigned and fluttered



why’d you wait so long

before you first came over?

the leaves that once were dog-tied

have whirled past my shoulder

with your smooth hand upon my knee 

and your pained look of symmetry

with your whisper in my memory

as the wild eye inside you shuddered

your guilty smile feigned and fluttered



you stained my bedpost and you stained my curtain

perfumed my pillow, now I can’t stop flirtin’

but what can I do?

if we had more time I might have stained

you too



but that season left the loom

under half of an evening moon

when you said you would see me soon

then the wild eye inside you shuddered

your guilty smile feigned and fluttered



why’d you

wait for 

so long, so long



why’d you

wait for

so long, so long



Words and music by Rick Stachura. “Why’d You Wait?” October 2001.

Photo by Rick Stachura. In the Rose and Dahlia Gardens at Untermyer Gardens. Yonkers, NY. November 2, 2022.



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