O Voi Che Par La Via

"O Voi Che Par La Via." Photo by Rick Stachura. November 2, 2022.



Or ho perduta tutta mia baldanza,

che si movea d’amoroso tesoro;

ond’io pover dimoro,

in guisa che di dir mi ven dottanza.



Now I have lost all my eloquence

which flowed so from love’s treasure:

and I am grown so poor

in a way that speech barely comes to me.


Lines from “O Voi Che Par La Via” by Dante Alighieri, 1294. Translated by A.S. Kline, 2001.

Photo by Rick Stachura. The Vista Garden at Untermyer Gardens. Yonkers, NY. November 2, 2022.



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